Lookouts in the sky
By Mike Marcellino
Lookouts in the sky,
Clouds of stratus stratus
slicing up
from Mississippi,
gifts from Zeus,
the Greek
god of sky and weather
a partly sunny Sunday
party on the beach
of Erie in Ohio,
home of American natives
at a meet up,
lookouts of pau waus.
Lookouts in the sky,
Clouds of cirros joins the treck
eastern skies,
making the sun
on the heels of blizzards,
turned into dying snowflakes
after their fall
to an unearthly planet
day by day,
endless transformers
bleeding into slushy, muddy
melting piles,
pool craters.
Lookouts in the sky,
Clouds of stratus stratus,
whipping up from
seas far south,
a party sunny Sunday
on the beach
of West Palm,
home of spinner sharks
at a meet up
feeding frenzy
three-foot blue curls,
ridden by surfers close by,
lookouts in the sky,
gifts of Zeus,
the Greek,
god of sky and weather.
Lookouts in the sky,
sudden clouds of puffy nimbus
pockets of rain, maybe snow
ridges in the sky
shut down
the sun’s furnace,
gifts from Zeus,
the Greek
god of sky and weather.
Lookouts in the sky, copyright by Mike Marcellino 2009