Saturday, July 4, 2009

Almost the Fourth of July, a poem

Almost the Fourth of July
by mike marcellino

almost the fourth of july
find yourself
shaken to the core, this day
that day
fill up from the tank of your soul.
symptoms of love
symptoms of love
symptoms of love.

You made it.
Run to the other side,
wonder how to survive
in a world going mad.
No check today,
bills arrive.
On point,
alone out there
nothing but a forty-five.
Fighting your way
ever so carefully
go your way
through these fields of fire
terrible storms
hit any time.
almost the fourth of july
almost the fourth of july.

Outside, the battle rages.
You skirt by The Monument
to soldiers of America’s civil
war, the union side, but you’re
from below the mason dixon,
from riots in Baltimore.
You're on both sides.
Find yourself at 36-9 palms
still alive,
hell to pay, hell to pay.
Shaken to the core.
symptoms of love
symptoms of love
symptoms of love.

Every soldier’s afraid
deep inside
determined to survive.

In thy light shall we see the light
Thirty six nine
A few clicks away
wars rage.
You’re not dead, but alive
only wounded,
a bit broken.
shaken to the core
almost the fourth of july
almost the fourth of july.
Roll a gambler cigarette,
brothers cover you.

“Make the call. You could win ten thousand,”
the cashier tells you.

“Fuck that,” you say,
think about yourself,
then Buddy,
listen to Bruce Springsteen
land of rock and roll,
center of what makes the world go round.
Listen to the music,
the music,
the music.
Bitter disappointments
rush at you, tearing at you inside.
Pack it up right,
to fight another day.
Change the station.
almost the fourth of july
almost the fourth of july
almost the fourth of july.

Get back on the trail
to Van Gogh,
instrumental classic.
“Who is John Galt”
You wrote on the steel pot
you never wore.
Take the pain
Keep faith.
It’s not to lose or gain.
Peddle power, peddle power,
peddle power.
A boy of six aims the cannon
to sea.
Keep ahead of the storms
that surround you. They keep coming. They keep coming.
Take the glider
from the lakefront strip, watch napalm cascades.
Stop in sight
of shelter. This time
Cleveland public power,
whales paint the water, not killers.
almost the fourth of july
almost the fourth of july
almost the fourth of july.

Follow Zapata,
Tom Johnson, King
his brother’s soldier.
Manry did,
Lindberg, Amelia.
Head for the northern coast.

Drop into the Ashau Valley
rounds fly
zing, skip
zing. Sing
; never hear the round that kills you.
Rockets burst,
around you.
You’re still alive, lucky fucker
no flack jacket,
no steel
Returned the borrowed 45,
You’re close,
almost there. Almost home.
“Do you really want to go there?”
she asks, sincerely.
Symptoms of love symptoms of love symptoms of love
Try to make 15 clicks an hour.
Peddle power, peddle power,
peddle power.
You’re there,
hell to pay, hell to pay.
Ok, pretend, anyway.
“How did you get out
in or near Cambodia?”
Night across the border.
Do you really want to go there?
Words and thoughts the same.
Chose life.
Live to fight
another day.
almost the fourth of july
almost the fourth of july
almost the fourth of july.

Stop sign read.
Lock and load, tap your clip
slip it on full automatic.
Spell check, man
You’re in the X age.
Hell to pay, hell to pay.
Drink water,
keep trained
minefield roads,
trails of tears.
Dance with wolves, English patient
Chose life,
chose life,
Bob Marley.
“You’ve got a message.”
Head above waters
of the Johnston Flood,
San Francisco earthquake.

almost the fourth of july.
You’re not dead,
only wounded.

almost the fourth of july copyright mike marcellino 2009

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